Dwight Freeney is a BEAST!!!

Dwight Freeney is a BEAST!!!

Who is the best defensive linemen in the NFL?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Celtics Win

Tuesday night, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, and Kevin Garnett all celebrated as they defeat the Lakers 131-92. The game started off as usaul with Kobe Bryant knocking down three's. He hit three threes in the the first quarter telling the Celtics "not tonight", but the Celtics took this as a challenge, and made Kobe eat his words. Ray Allen got injured in the first quarter as he attacked the rim and got poked in the eye and got a cut above his nose from Lamar Odom. He ends up coming out of the game for about 15 minutes in order to come back to a big Celtic lead. James Posey, Eddie House, Paul Pierce, and Kevin Garnett go on a run knocking down three's and hitting jumper after jumper. The Lakers had no answer for the big three, but not only was the big three on fire, but Rajon Rondo came up big on defense and got 6 steals throughout the game, and the Celtics bench played just as hard and aggresive as the Starters. Rajon Rondo ended the night with 21 points, six steals, and 8 assists. Paul Pierce had 17 points and 10 assists with 2 three's; he was named the MVP of the finals for his performance. Kevin Garnett had 26 points with 14 rebounds, and went 10 of 18 from the field. Ray Allen ,despite coming out of the game for a bit, had 26 points, and went 7-9 from beyond the arc. Ray Allen set a record for most three pointers made in a championship series with 22 breaking Larry Birds previous record. The Celtics just played with more heart and intensity despite having plane troubles, and Ray Allen played great even though his son was hospitalized for 2 nights in Los Angeles. No one on the Lakers stood out that night except for Kobe Bryant who hit some big threes to start the game off ending the night with 22 points. The Celtics played harder and with more passion than the Lakers and they completely deserved the NBA championship. This championship makes it the 17th NBA title for the Celtic's franchise. This is the third highest number of championships won by any franchise in any sport behind the Montreal Canadiens, and in first are the New York Yankees with 26. If you were hoping for a game that came down to the final buzzard in this NBA finals, you unfortunately didn't get your wish because in this game the Celtics dominated the Lakers in order to get the win and the championship.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Pistons Main Move

The Pistons were a strong force in the east this year as they had a record of 59-23, came in second in the Eastern Conference, and made it to the Conference champioships. Unfortunetly that was not enough for Joe Dumars. Chad Ford , a writer for espn, wrote, "He wants to rebuild his team while still competing for championships. In particular, Dumars is looking to receive impact players while making the Pistons younger." He is saying how Joe Dumars is not looking for regular season success. He wants a championship and the current pistons players just are not cutting it. He wants to rebuild his team. Although he his is getting rid of very good players he will still have rookie Rodney Stucky, who played well in the playoffs and regular season. Dumars says that Stuckey will fill Chauncey Billups spot. He is looking to trade away Tayshaun Prince, Richard Hamilton, Chauncey Billups, and Rasheed Wallace. Dumars number one move as of now is trading Billups and Prince to Denver for Chucky Atkins, Carmelo Anthony, and the Number 20 pick in the draft.(Ford 2008) This trade looks good for Denver because Chauncey Billups and Allen Iverson would make a great duo. Then still having Kenyon Martin and Marcus Camby would make the Nuggets a formidable team. The only big trouble with this trade is Chauncey will turn 32 in September and Anthony has just turned 24. The number two option for Detroit is Utah's Carlos Boozer, Ronnie Brewer, Jarron Collins, and Morris Almond for Hamilton, Prince, and Arron Afflalo. The Jazz are in the same boat as the Pistons and both teams could be looking to swap players. I dont really see this move happening because if these players did not win a championship together on their current teams, why would they win if they all just went to a different team? This is another possible move for the Pistons and no one knows for sure what Dumars move will be. We will just have to wait until next fall to find out.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Boston Vs. Lakers game 5 prediction

Everyone says that in the playoffs, the home team will usually win. Unfortunetly for the Lakers this is not true. In Game 4, the Celtics came back from a 24 point deficit to end up winning 97-91. This was one of the greatest comebacks in playoff history. Well first lets start with the Lakers. The lakers have MVP, Kobe Bryant, who is deadly from any spot on the floor and can take control of the game at any given moment. If the lakers want to stay alive in this NBA championship series, Kobe Bryant will have to take control of the game and dominate the floor. I am currently watching game 5 and Kobe is doing just that. Next they are going to need some other players to step up and hit key shots. For instance Derek Fischer. He is the starting point gaurd for the lakers and is a good three-point shooter. Now we all know that Kobe can't score every single point, so Derek Fischer is one person that Kobe will look to give the ball to in key situations. Another is the foreign center Pau Gasol. He is the lakers starting center and is a strong rebounder and good post player. They will need Pau Gasol to take control of the paint and dominate on the boards. Finally, they will have to play great defense to shut down the Celtics players, because every person on the Celtics can score. Rajon Rondo is the starting point gaurd for the Celtics. He played for Louisville for 2 years then was drafted by the Phoenix suns in 2006. He was then traded to the Celtics. He is a solid point gaurd and no one expected him to be this good. He is excellent at attacking the basket. Then there is the great shooter Ray Allen who is lights out from three. If you give him an inch of space he will, in turn, knock down the three, and once he hits a couple and goes on fire you can not stop him. Not only can he shoot but he is a veteran player who has good leadership and can attack the rim well. He also uses his good judgement to discern when to pass and when to shoot. Then Paul Pierce comes in at small forward. He has great body control in the air when attacking the basket and can make spectacular plays with the ball.

He is also a veteran player and is a leader on this Celtics team. Before Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett came to the Celtics they had a losing record. Paul Pierce with his nasty pull up jumper is a player the Lakers will have to watch out for. Then last comes Kevin Garnett, a great power forward in the post with a great post up hook shot and a very nice perimeter jump shot. He is a force in the paint to be dealing with and the Lakers will have to find a way to shut him down. Now that we have determined what the Lakers will have to do to win lets go to the Celtics. Now obviously the Celtics will have to try and defend MVP Kobe Bryant, but lets look at some other things they will need to do. First they will have to contain the Lakers smaller players like Vladimir Radmanovic, and Sasha Vujacic. They are not superstars but have the tendency to step up and knock down key shots. Personally, I think the celtics are a better all around team, but i do not think they will beat the Lakers in game 5. I think the Lakers will win game 5 but lose game 6 when the Celtics are home. "With nothing left to lose, it stands to reason the Lakers will try almost anything in hopes of turning the tide in this series back in their favor.(Hollinger 2007) This was said by a writer for espn. The Lakers have been doing things this game and taking more crazy attempts because they are desperate. I think this will work in game 5 but not in Game 6.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

English final essay final draft with bibliography

Chris Garcia
C.P. English II
Power and Corruption

It is human nature for people with power to tend to abuse it because of their greed and/or personal needs. Such is the case in Larry Watson’s ¬Montana 1948 when Uncle Frank abuses his power as a doctor to rape Indian women. Not only does Frank abuse his power, but Wesley abuses his power by not sending Frank to jail and instead keeping Frank in his basement. This was a huge change of pace for Frank. Uncle Frank was the favorite in the family through the eyes of his parents. He was a star athlete in high school and college, and he is handsome. He was a genuine war hero complete with decorations and commendations. Frank was and is everything Wesley was and more. Wesley was just the town sheriff. He took over the job from his dad who was the sheriff for many years. His brother, Uncle Frank, became a doctor. Uncle Frank always seemed intrigued by Indians, but no one knew that of these provocative desires. Wesley has a son, David Hayden, who is the person telling us the story. Wesley is also married to Gail. They also have a live-in housekeeper named Marie. Marie is an Indian Woman who the family has grown attached to. Wesley and Frank show their abuse of power throughout the book. It is easy to see how abuse of power can affect people around them, but mostly how much it can corrupt even the most loyal people and drive them crazy.
The first abuse of power comes from Uncle Frank, the person who ignites this flame of corruption. Everyone wants to be Frank and everyone looks up to him, but little do those people know that he is obsessed with Indian women and he uses his power as a doctor to get them alone and then rape them. Most people would ask, why don’t you just report him to the police? The reason is that these girls are Indians, and civilized society does not care about the fate of young Indian girls. In court it would become the Indian women’s voice against a white mans, one whose father was once the well-respected sheriff. Franks influence over the community as well as his job title allow for him to abuse his power and Take advantage of Indian women. In June of 2000 two doctors were charged with rape and trying to cover it up. Dr. Alkoc invited two Canadian women into his apartment, drugged them then raped them. Before the women could file a complaint, Dr. Alkoc fled to his home country of Turkey. In both of these cases the doctors used the power given to them by their jobs to get women alone and rape them. Uncle frank uses his power and knowledge as a doctor to rape the Indian Women; and Dr. Alkoc used his power as a doctor to lure the women into his home then drug them and rape them. Uncle Frank’s abuse of power causes someone very close to him to abuse their power as well.

Another abuse of power was committed by Wesley, Uncle Frank’s brother, who is the current sheriff in town. Wesley hears the rumor that his brother is a rapist and decides to investigate. When he finds out that it is true, Wesley puts him under house arrest and locks him in his basement instead of arresting him and sending him to jail. Wesley abused his power as the sheriff to save his brothers public image. If people found out that Uncle Frank was a rapist, people would no longer look at him as the great amazing hero that he is portrayed to be. In October of 2007, a beating occurred in Orange County's Theo Lacy jail. This beating involved six inmates beating a fellow prisoner. The guards caused the whole fight by erroneously telling the inmates that the victim was a child molester. The other inmates felt it necessary to beat the victim. The guards knew the victim was not a child molester, but they told the inmates he was, and because of the power given to them by their job, the inmates believed them and beat the victim. The guards saw it as an easy way to get someone killed and not be blamed for it. In these instances you can see how a sheriff, or in the case of the beating the deputies, have a lot more power and influence and they can abuse it for their own personal needs, wants, or desires.
You can see that there are multiple examples of abuse of power in Montana 1948. The most important theme in Montana 1948 is abuse of power. Two main examples of this theme are how Uncle Frank and Wesley abuse their power. This theme showed up multiple times in the story and truly set up the plot. Another theme is how the social system was in the 1940’s. Since Indians were on the bottom of the social system if the Indians accused him of rape they would just get rejected and shutdown. This book is reminiscent to Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird because in To Kill A Mockingbird, a black slave gets accused of raping a white woman and even though the evidence shows him innocent. Since he is a black man and at the bottom of the social system he is found guilty. This is the same way in Montana 1948 except instead of a black person being found guilty because of his skin, it is an Indian getting taken advantage of because of.
During my research I learned a plethora of new ideas; some of them I agreed with and others I did not. When I was reading Samuel’s Reading Chair, Samuel said, “David soon finds himself forced to deal with concepts and complications that will scar him for the rest of his life”(Samuel). The events happening in the story are going to scar him for life. These are the kind of events that one should learn from to make them stronger. After David sees how abuse of power and corruption can negatively affect the people around him, he will learn to not abuse his power like his father and Uncle did so he does not destroy his family. While reading Samuel’s Reading Chair, I also discovered how he relates Montana 1948 with Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird. He says, “In short, Montana 1948 could be called To Kill a Mockingbird for less patient readers.” I completely agree with what Sam is saying because In To Kill A Mockingbird a black man gets accused of rape and is found guilty because a white family abuses their power as higher-class citizens.
There are many important themes in Montana 1948. The most important was the theme of abuse of power. This theme showed up multiple times in the story and truly set up the plot. Another theme is how the social system was in the 1940’s. The reason that the raping of the Indian girls continued to happen in Montana 1948 was due to the social status of the Indians. Many people today abuse their power as a doctor or an officer of the law or in any profession that gives a person power over people. People do it because of their greed, which is human nature. All people should be aware of this and the consequences that come with abusing power. If people know the consequences of abusing power and how it can negatively affect their families and everyone close to them, people will learn to control their desires and defy human nature.

Chris Garcia

'MONTANA 1948' WONDERFUL LITTLE BOOK DESTINED FOR STARDOM.(LIFE & LEISURE)." Albany TImes Union 3 Apr. 1994: 18. Gale Cengage Learning. 7 May 2008. Keyword: Montana 1948.

"LCC Reading Project Explores Power and Privilege in Society.(Arts & Literature)." The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR) 2 Nov.-Dec. 2003. Custom Newspapers. Gale Cengage Learning. 12 May 2008.

Samuel. "Samuels Reading Chair." 19 Feb. 2008. 12 May 2008 .

Newman, Andy. "Doctors Indicted in Case of Rape and Cover-Up." New York Times 30 June 2000. Proquest. 1 June 2008.

Berthelsen, Christian. "O.C. to Vote on Forming Sheriff Review Board; the Panel Would Check Allegations of Abuse by Deputies and Offer Policy Ideas. a Sheriff's Official Says It's Not Necessary." Los Angelos Times 22 May 2007. Proquest. 28 May 2008.