Well, this week my teacher wanted us to post about feminism and then relate it to Macbeth. Well first of all we must identify what feminism is for us to truly talk about it. Feminism, as defined by dictionary.com, is the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. Personally I think that women are equal to men in certain aspects. Take the NBA for instance. If you took the Boston Celtics, the best team in the NBA right now, and had them play the Detroit Shock, the number one W NBA team. I'm pretty sure that the Boston Celtics would win. Another example is how many women do u find in the NFL. None, although that doesnt mean that women don't play football, they just don't play as well as th
e guys do. The only women I could think of that is good at football is Holley Mangold. She is someone who has worked hard for respect and she is a good role model for feminism. Now there are the good role models and there are the bad ones. For Example Paris Hilton, I'm sure we all know who she is, if you don't then your probably a hermit but just in case, she is a hotel heiress who will never have to work a day in her life but claims that she fought for womens right. WRONG!! Paris Hilton did nothing for womens right but in fact made me think that women shouldn't have rights because she is just such an idiot. She does all this stupid stuff, and yet young women today still idolize her for being a great role model. Tell me, did your role model ever make a sex tape then put it out on the internet? I would not ever want my kids to even think about having her as a role model. They would just become dumber.

When I think about women who actually deserve or deserved rights I think of people like Rosa Parks who faught for what she believed in. Paris Hilton didn't fight for anything. If women want to be equal they should also have the same responsibilities as men. My English teacher brought up a very good point in class. He said that if women are equal to men, then why do men always pay for the bill when they go to dinner. Thats completely unfair for us men, but women still are equal to men. Now, Lady Macbeth is also a women of power who fought(dirty I might add) for what she wanted. She wanted her husband to be king so she helped have the king murdered. She is a Women who I would consider a feminist.
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