Dwight Freeney is a BEAST!!!

Dwight Freeney is a BEAST!!!

Who is the best defensive linemen in the NFL?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Citations

'MONTANA 1948' WONDERFUL LITTLE BOOK DESTINED FOR STARDOM.(LIFE & LEISURE)." Albany TImes Union 3 Apr. 1994: 18. Gale Cengage Learning. 7 May 2008. Keyword: Montana 1948.

"LCC Reading Project Explores Power and Privilege in Society.(Arts & Literature)." The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR) 2 Nov.-Dec. 2003. Custom Newspapers. Gale Cengage Learning. 12 May 2008.

Samuel. "Samuels Reading Chair." 19 Feb. 2008. 12 May 2008 .

Newman, Andy. "Doctors Indicted in Case of Rape and Cover-Up." New York Times 30 June 2000. Proquest. 1 June 2008.

Berthelsen, Christian. "O.C. to Vote on Forming Sheriff Review Board; the Panel Would Check Allegations of Abuse by Deputies and Offer Policy Ideas. a Sheriff's Official Says It's Not Necessary." Los Angelos Times 22 May 2007. Proquest. 28 May 2008.

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